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What Is a Cornhusker 9x13 Picnic?

October 25, 2023 7:13 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of attendees at Cornhusker 9x12 Picnicby Jacqueline Barnhardt & Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh 

Nebraska Servas members, Jacqueline Barnhardt and Wooly Wooldridge hosted a 9x13 themed picnic for members and guests in Wooly’s Big Back Yard in Lincoln, Nebraska on September 17thGuests were encouraged to bring food in a 9x13 inch baking pan to celebrate National 9x13 Day usually held on September 13.  Jacqueline was the one who originally submitted the idea to create a 9x13 Holiday in 2017 and it was featured in Food Network Magazine. This 9x13 picnic coincided with their hosting of Servas Taiwan General Secretary, JoJo Jen accompanied by two other Taiwan Servas members, Fifi Tsai and Alecia Chen for a few days of culinary exchange and more.  

All members from the Great Plains region were invited. Three states were represented: new Servas member Nettie Myers from South Dakota, Tim Sullivan (US Servas Board member and interviewer) and Charlotte Miller-Sullivan (interviewer) from Iowa, Ingrid Kirst, Jeff Epler, Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh (US Servas Board Secretary), Elba Cera, Charles & Barbara Francis from Nebraska.  Two guests,  Cathron Cole O’Connor and Brett Jurgens, joined Servas!  American songbook musical entertainment was provided by Sharon Kreimer and Bobby Gadoury.  Building peace, one picnic and one conversation at a time works and we hope to repeat this event next year. In all 32 people attended. 

If you would like to host a local gathering for your Servas community -perhaps around the visit of Servas travelers, a museum tour, hike or just for the heck of it - our US Servas Events Team can help get the word out! Use the Request Local Event Support link found on our website.  

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