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Travel Stories
Travel Blogs Share your experience with host(s) that made your travels extra special, or perhaps | Featured Stories Unique Travel stories submitted by Servas members that are particularly well-written and/or might be of special interest to members. Tell us about it. Submit your stories here. |
This is the authors' report on their visit to the rugged Arizona desert, including the US border wall and their experience with Servas members who volunteer with the Tucson Samaritans, who provide supplies for immigrants crossing into the U.S.
A Travel Report from New Orleans and the US Civil rights Trail - by Andrea Veltman and David Schwartz Is it possible to put Servas values at the forefront of your travels whether or not you are staying with Servas hosts, whether or not you are traveling abroad? We believe it both possible and enriching to do so. Here is a trip report that shows how we raised our cross-cultural awareness and also had lots of fun without leaving the USA. read full story |