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P e a c e   a n d   U n d e r s t a n d i n g
T h r o u g h   T r a v e l  &   H o s t i n g

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Two Levels of Membership & Two Different Websites

All members first Join as a Friend with an annual membership of $33. There is no cost to move to Host/Traveler statusbut becoming a Host/Traveler requires you to submit letters of reference, and have an interview.  This can be done usually in a week or so, but is the responsibility of the Friend to follow through. and

The US is part of a Global Federation

Everyone in Servas joins in their own country, so this site is where you join as a resident of the USA.  First, you join as a Friend of US Servas, which is the basic member level.  Once you request to become a Host/Traveler with US Servas and complete the steps, we set you up on the international site - - where you will have access to all the other travelers and hosts around the world. 

    Friend of US Servas

    Benefits of being a Friend

    • Can attend virtual US Servas meetings
    • Can attend local US Servas events
    • Will receive US Servas email updates
    • Have access to Member area of US Servas website
    • Can be a part of US Servas' Peace & Justice Team
    • Can help with local Peace initiatives


    Additional benefits for Host/Travelers:

    • Can host Servas members from around the world
    • Can be hosted by Servas International members
    • Can make friendships with Servas members around the world
    • Receive Servas International updates
    • Can vote in US Servas elections
    • Can volunteer in any capacity with US Servas or Servas International
    • Can run for office in US Servas or Servas International

    1887 Whitney Mesa Dr., #1250,

    Henderson, NV 89014

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