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Peace and Justice

Articles from Servas Members Addressing World Peace and the Universal Human Condition

Peace & Justice Blogs

Many Servas members are doing exciting and interesting things to enhance opportunities for Peace and Social Justice. Perhaps you are involved with a local, or national, project to improve the environment, helping with refugees, engaged with various democracy enhancing projects, or a community food bank. Other Servas members may want to know, maybe even join in the effort. We invite you to contribute your story about your personal efforts to buttress Peace and Social Justice. 

Featured Articles

Unique peace and justice articles submitted by Servas members that are particularly well-written and/or might be of special interest to members. Tell us about it. Submit your stories here.

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  • January 30, 2025 1:27 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    photo of volunteer planting tree in burned ot foresstBy Karen Morian

    Considering the devastating forest fires in Southern California, the US Servas Peace Team will continue its tree-planting project into 2025. The US Servas Board is leading the way with a kick-off contribution (to be credited soon).

    Planting Trees for Forest Fire Recovery

    One Tree Planted supports reforestation as part of active post-fire management strategies. In addition to facilitating healthy ecosystem recovery, reforestation can reduce vulnerability to future disturbances — including wildfires, insect infestations, and disease outbreaks. When planting trees, everything from the best tree species for the local environment to the distance between trees and the exact location where they are planted is carefully considered. This is to prevent invasive species from colonizing burn scars, while restoring multi-layered wildlife habitat and increasing ecosystem resilience. For example, carefully planning “stand density” (the number of trees in a specific area) can help reduce the spread of pathogens and diseases.

    Planting trees doesn’t just safeguard ecosystems against future threats. It can also help combat one of the most immediate consequences of forest fires: soil erosion. Fires consume the organic matter and litter layer that shield and nurture soil, causing hydrophobicity (an inability to absorb water). Reforestation plays a critical role in soil conservation by minimizing sedimentation, preventing erosion, and fostering a diverse vegetation community that will stabilize soils over time.

    Every dollar contributed by US Servas members will plant one tree. You can help by making a tax-deductible contribution here: Servas Plants Trees

  • January 30, 2025 1:23 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Photo of First Responders with servas logos on their jacketsBy Deirdre Marlowe

    I was blizzard-bound in Virginia when California member David Schwartz’s email about the apocalyptic fires in Los Angeles reached me. Fueled by lack of rain and persistent, late Santa Ana winds, the Pacific Palisades and Eaton Canyon fires started from unknown causes on January 7th. Other fires have started since then... the Hughes Fire as recently as January 22. None are considered “out.” More than 15,000 structures have been destroyed. Many lost their homes, including Paige LaCombe, who I’d interviewed for Servas membership, and who has served on the Board, as Servas International Peace Secretary, and most recently been actively engaged in the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women.

    David suggested that if asked, Servas members would be interested in helping. Tim Sullivan, Board President, was happy to sign on to the cause. A letter was sent to Servas members, and many responses were received some offering housing as far away as Salem, Massachusetts. Others offered help, but didn’t know what was needed; they received a list of organizations needing volunteers.

    The response generated from our outreach inspired some of us to start what we’re tentatively calling Emergency Servas, which will be there in the event of other natural disasters, to gather volunteers and provide information about what is needed. If interested, please contact me at

  • November 30, 2024 7:35 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Photo of Paige LaCombe in Middle EastWe are delighted to announce that US Servas member, Paige LaCombe, has been selected to represent Servas International at the UN Commision on the Status of Women Conference in New Yok next March. She will attend five days of the Main, Side, and Parallel Events. As a Servas Peace Ambassador Paige will be spending a lot of time in and around the grounds of the United Nations networking on behalf of Servas. I will get to meet many representatives from NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations) and participate in the meet-up: Let’s Talk About Peace.

    CSW 69 Theme: The main focus of the sixty-ninth session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly. The review will include an assessment of current challenges that affect the implementation of the Platform for Action and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and its contribution towards the full realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Please find information about the status of women in your country here.

    Servas International Purpose:

    Graphic for Beijing Declaration 30th AnniversaryServas International is a grassroots organization that can infuse the language, focus and presence of peace through our attendance at CSW. The 12 goals of Beijing+30 increases the importance of peace-building organizations like Servas being proactive and speaking one-on-one with other CSW participants about peace.

    Servas Women Vision:

    Servas Women is an organizing body within Servas International. It has been created to empower women through travel and hosting. Our goal is to share and network for peace and impart our desire for gender equality and other basic human rights and freedoms for all.

    Space is limited for in person attendance at CSW, however, virtual attendance is possible. If you would like to apply to do so, go here

    If you want to attend online,

    Servas Women organizers will send out a request for hosting to all the Servas members in the New York area to secure hosting if possible. Of course, this is not guaranteed but we have been successful in the past. We will also work to coordinate stays so that groups of participants can travel to the UN together. At this time, in-person participants should plan to cover their own travel expenses. We will however, have meetings specifically about fundraising and will provide support in the form of letters and helpful suggestions. Fundraising is part of being an advocate and is wonderful preparation for advocacy at the UN. Please contact Karen Morian (via the WhatsApp group) for assistance tools in setting up funding platforms.

    Paige LaCombe is the on-site coordinator for in-person attendance of our Servas Peace Ambassadors. You can contact her through the Whats App In-Person attendance group which will be provided to you soon or

    All other questions about CSW69 can be directed to 

    If you want to attend online,

  • November 29, 2024 6:13 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    photo of stunned man with words like "Holy Cow", "Really?". Jeanne Devine

    Servas has “a mission of promoting peace and justice, and tolerance while encouraging environmentally sustainable meetings and lifestyles with less ecological impact.” It appears that much of that ethos will be relegated to coffee house discussions for the next four years.

    Along with millions of others I was shocked by the outcome of the US elections!  Since January and through five months of a hot, dry summer, I worked with many others for democracy, reproductive choice, LGBTQ equality, the urgency to address climate change, human rights of migrants, and the importance of addressing foreign policy non-militarily and through the UN process.  

    Arizona is one of the most conservative states in the US. I have been sorely tested these last few years with hateful racist legislation; yet we organized and tabled, knocked on doors, attended community meetings for qualified candidates who endorsed public education, sensible water policies, voter integrity, civil rights for all.  Many people were intimidated by the hatred of opponents; few dared to put up yard signs or bumper stickers on their cars; our leaders and their families were personally threatened, and the Harris/Walz office where I volunteered was hit by gunshot three times before it permanently closed for safety reasons.  

    Now our values will be challenged an ideology that is the antithesis of what we hold dear. How are we to cope as we watch ideas and institutions we hold dear be torn down? What do we do when we see hate groups parade through towns spewing bile with impunity?

    Still too many Americans are complacent about democracy and our responsibility to be informed and vote.  Too many Americans are complacent about an educational system which does not value history or critical thinking. Too many Americans are complacent about homelessness and blame it on laziness and drug abuse.  Too many Americans are complacent about mass imprisonment and the disfranchisement of 4.5 million felons. Too many Americans are complacent about wars in Ukraine or the Middle East or global warming.    

    Now our values will be challenged by an egotistical billionaire, convicted felon, outspoken racist and sexist, who resisted the peaceful transfer of power four years ago and the list goes on. Someone who does not acknowledge climate change, does not recognize the importance of global treaties nor countries’ rights to self-determination. All of which are contrary to the mission of Servas.

    We are facing a radical social movement to the right! Here are some of my thoughts and personal concerns...

    • What do we tell our children and grandchildren about democracy?
    • Other than the dangers, what will be the result of the deportation of millions of undocumented and DACA residents and the fate of their children? 
    • How will the US work with its allies and who will we “pick” as our enemies?
    • How can we deal with global warming – if those in power continue to promote fossil fuels?
    • How do we rein in the dangers posed by social media as a tool of manipulation. 
    • How will we react to the promised retribution for those who speak out – politicians, celebrities, journalists, non-profits, etc.?

    It is too much to contemplate – which is why I am just now writing my thoughts on the election... a cathartic exercise. I stay busy catching up on house chores and medical appointments and reconnecting with friends.  I don’t know what will happen in the future – nor what I can do to change things. I just know that democracy – as imperfect as it is – is far better than autocracy – and kindness and respect are superior to lies and hatred. Let us not be silent in speaking of our commitment to peace through communication! Long live SERVAS!!! 

    Note: US Servas is a non-political organization. Our members may have diverse views on issues that are political in nature. We may occasionally publish thoughtful opinions from members that have political overtones provided their views fall within the overall mission of Servas, i.e. peace and justice and protection of our planet.

  • November 26, 2024 12:20 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    clip-art graphic of Airplane with the words CSW Express emblazoned on the sideby Karen Morian, US Peace Secretary

    Do you have unused frequent flyer miles just sitting there? Why not put them to good use?! You can donate them to help a Servas Youth member attend the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York in March 2025.

    Help build the future of Servas and introduce Servas to a new global audience of young people working for peace. If you wish to donate miles to help our youth delegates attend this important international event contact US Servas Peace Secretary, Karen Morian, at

    Please indicate which Airline group your miles are with and how many you can contribute. Offers of financial support are also most welcome. 

    Many thanks for your support. 

  • October 31, 2024 7:42 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    photo of four multi-ethnic women on a couchBy Karen Morian

    It was Eleanor Roosevelt, the formidable diplomat who led the creation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, who said, “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it."

    And more than one leader has expressed the idea that, in order for peace to exist, justice is necessary. As a non-governmental organization with a 75-year mission of promoting peace and, with a presence in over 100 countries, Servas International works to promote a culture of peace and inclusion. We reject racial, gender, and religious discrimination and xenophobia in all of their manifestations.

    To further our efforts in this direction, in September 2024, Servas International officially recognized the constituency group called Servas Women. While the primary focus of this group is coordinating our efforts at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women meeting (CSW) in New York in March, there are many ways members can be engaged in the work for equity and equality. ALL members are welcome to join in this work.

    Servas Women has been instrumental in engaging our members of the Global South. Recently, there was an SI-and SW-led conference in Kenya for Central African members. In India and in South America, Servas Women are engaging in helping new mothers with supplies and supporting girls in schools. Others are working on ways to increase safety for women travelers

    This growing network is a direct reflection of the work being done by other NGOs with the United Nations around the world. Younger activists are providing their energy and technological expertise, and more experienced activists are contributing their wisdom and historical perspectives.

    If you wish to know more about Servas Women and/or our CSW Work, see it here: If you wish to attend CSW69 in March 2025 virtually (online), visit the online Application Form.

    For further information, contact us at:

     We hope you will join us in our work to make the world a better place for al

  • October 30, 2024 9:13 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    As our 2024 Climate Action, Servas International has committed to planting one tree per member around the world. To join in this global effort, US Servas has partnered with One Tree Planted to support tree-plantings in the U.S. One Tree Planted is a non-profit based in Shelburne, Vermont. It is a public 501(c)(3) charity, so your contribution to this effort is tax-deductible. (ID# is 46-4664562)

    You will find our project link here:

    And the FAQs here: FAQ | One Tree Planted

    Why we are planting trees:  


    Trees act as natural air purifiers, absorbing particulate pollutants and carbon dioxide, and releasing clean oxygen for us to breathe.


    Forests play a vital role in maintaining drinking water resources by regulating water cycles, absorbing stormwater, and preventing soil erosion.


    Healthy trees and forests enhance public health by reducing exposure to air and water pollution and providing habitats that support diverse ecosystems.


    Communities benefit from reforestation projects through improved livelihoods, increased access to resources, and sustainable development.


    Trees play a critical role in the fight against climate change, as they trap carbon dioxide and increase the climate change resilience of ecosystems and communities.


    Forests support diverse flora and fauna, contributing to the richness and resilience of our ecosystems.
  • September 28, 2024 6:13 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Graphic of Olive tree, dove, and Servas 75th logo, with words US Servas Day of Peaceby Karen Morian

    On Sept. 21, 2024, during the US Servas held a nationwide online conference commemorating the United Nations International Day of Peace. This year’s theme was “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.” We have two videos of the conference each about one hour in length.

    Video 1: This video focuses on 9 Servas Women who share what they gave and received at the UN's 68th conference Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) held March 11-22, 2024 in New York City. Here is a link to Video 1. Presenters in this video include the following:






    Karen Morian, US Servas Peace Secretary



    Paige LaCombe, US Servas



    Kent Macaulay, Servas Canada



    Rachel Elion Baird, US Servas



    Daniela Balderrama, Servas Bolivia



    Amruta, Servas India



    Victoria, Servas Argentina



    Kiara, Servas Austria



    Kate, Servas Australia

    Video 2: Includes Volunteers for Peace, US Servas Plants Trees, and the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Here is a link to the video part 2. Presenters in this video include the following:






    Matt Messier, Volunteers for Peace



    Paige LaCombe, Global Reforestation



    Friends Comm. on National Legislation

  • September 28, 2024 6:00 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Soldier pulling medical supplies from a shelfVolunteering at an IDF Emergency Medical Supplies Distribution Center in Israel

    by Josi McIntire, former US Servas Peace Secretary

    I have never thought of myself as a Zionist. I am not even a practicing Jew. But since I do believe that Israel has the right to exist, perhaps I am at least a “political” Zionist insomuch as I am Jewish, and I accept Israel as a sovereign Jewish state. At the same time, I acknowledge that the Palestinian people have legitimate aspirations for statehood and self-determination. 

    The attack of October 7, 2023, on the Nova Music Festival by Hamas, was a declaration of Jihad challenging the future existence of Israel. Consequently, this summer I felt compelled to fly to Israel and serve as a volunteer working in an IDF Emergency Medical Supplies Distribution Center. 

    There were other volunteering options, but, considering the horror of the October 7 attack and a deep concern for the future of Israel, I felt a calling to contribute to a people with whom I share an affinity. I chose to travel to Israel and serve in direct support of the IDF. It was an emotionally stirring two-week experience. I learned a great deal.

    Outside of my small circle of Jewish friends, few people have had questions about my recent experience. Most seem to have answers: the broad condemnation of Israel. That has made me aware of how deep many historic prejudices still lie.

    I do not know the answers. But I do know that any lasting solution will require a nuanced approach that recognizes that the confluence of historical, religious, and social factors, makes the issues multifaceted and extremely complicated. Simplistic, one-sided, uninformed biases may nurture some level of intellectual/humanitarian self-esteem and righteousness, but do not help. 

    I hope that this contribution will encourage readers to pursue a search for truth, and perhaps even voluntarism. It is my hope that some form of lasting peace for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people will someday be found.

    I know that the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a very emotional subject for many, but if you want to read more about my experiences in Israel and my take on what is happening there you can read it HERE.

  • September 01, 2024 1:31 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    graphic - Olive tree with words US Servas Day of Peace 2024by Karen Morian, Peace Secretary 

    On September 21, US Servas will host a nationwide online conference in honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace. This year’s theme is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.” More than just a single day of commemoration, the date is a call to individuals and organizations to collective action in order to make the world a more peaceful planet.

    US Servas members will be meeting online (although gathering in person locally is encouraged) to hear from both fellow Servas members and from partner organizations about our work in peacebuilding, social justice, and climate action, and to learn more about how to get involved.

    So, join us on Saturday, September 21, from 1-4:00 p.m. ET (10-1:00 pm PT) as we celebrate 75 years of Servas, and discuss how we can build our engagement with the world into the future. Here is a Zoom link to the meeting.

    For questions, please email

    We look forward to seeing you all on camera, and to hearing from you about the possibilities for a more peaceful future.

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The Gendered Digital Divide 

By Yosi McIntire

Unquestionably, digitalization is rapidly transforming societies. Unprecedented socio-economic advances can be expected. However, it is generally acknowledged that young women, girls, and gender-diverse youth and adolescents—especially poorer ones in rural areas—are disproportionately and systematically excluded from access to technology. ... more

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