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Eleven USServas Members Attended Sicoga 2022 in India

December 20, 2022 8:21 AM | Richard Weaver (Administrator)

National Secretary Arnie Rowland shares a namaste of farewell with Jony Sågänger  outgoing President of Servas International on the final day of SICOGA.

Our own Radha Radhakrishna, former US Servas Board Treasurer was elected president of Servas International. Eleven members of US Servas – hailing from both coasts and the heartland made the journey to the 32nd Sicoga (Servas International Conference & General Assembly in Panchgani, India, November 22-28.

Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh, Board Secretary attended the conference… The Asia Plateau Initiative of Change conference center was a perfect place to hold the SI conference. The opening ceremony featured traditional drumming, horns, dancing, and a talk by Gandhi's grandson. Participants stayed in either Valley View or Rock View, Meetings, meals, and programs were held in the conference center. Dr. NamHee Kim (Naomi) a retired nursing professional and watercolor artist from South Korea was my assigned roommate. I was on the Secretariat Team assigned to take minutes and record decisions made by the General Assembly. Delegates from each country were either present in person or participated remotely thanks to Dan Bare and the Technology Team.  Mornings we participated in meditation, yoga, or hikes up to the second highest plateau in Asia. I am thankful I was able to connect with people from around the world during the wonderful traditional meals and breaks. After the conference, my two Nebraska Servas travel companions and I will be hosted by people we met as we continue our journey through India and on to Portugal. 

For more information about SICOGA visit the Servas International website.

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