by Deirdre Marlowe
Screenshot of some East Asia Zoom Meeting attendees and greetings in their languages
On Saturday, January 14, 126 people from around the world participated in a SERVAS East Asia Zoom and Live YouTube. Some of us even woke up at 2:30 in the morning on the biggest football weekend of the year!
We learned how to greet one another in the languages of two dozen countries and about the natural wonders of Hong Kong.
Who knew that you could scuba dive within a few miles of Kowloon and go climbing in a rocky wilderness less than an hour from the hustle and bustle of downtown Hong Kong!? We broke into small groups for conversation, and as always happens with Servas learned that we shared more in common than our differences. It was a great opportunity to meet and begin to know members in places that so far only exist on my bucket list.
Thank you, Mei Wang, Taiwan, newly elected Servas International Co-Peace Secretary, and others for setting this up.