This is fun-filled event in Mühlviertel, the upper province of Austria, north of the Danube. Enjoy walks, hikes, tours, through with other Servas members, in and around the traditional towns and villages of this region. Highlights include:
Kefermarkt – walk to the old church to see the medieval Flügelaltar (altar).
Freistadt – walk around the old town center, then hike along the River Aist into Thurytal.
Ottenschlag – Visit this traditional village known for its double-walled Steinbloß stone houses.
Linz – Visit Mariendom, the largest church in Austria, and enjoy a concert on the special “Rudigier-Organ” for the group in the Cathedral.
Guided tour of Reichenthal Schloss (castle), and short walk to the open-air museum Mühlendorf in Reichenthal. Enjoy the music of Fairy Tunes (bagpipe, flutes, violin, harp, guitar) led by Servas member Traudi, and folk-dance with other Servas attendees.
See the Monument for Active Nonviolence on the square
Click HERE for more information, fees, and registration.