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Colorado Servas Picnic

September 16, 2023 8:14 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of the Colorado picnic attendeesby Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh 

Colorado Servas held a picnic on Sunday, August 6th at the Lakewood, Colorado home of Servas Super Host, Interviewer, and new friend, Lani Vigil. Approximately 19 people attended. Some who were not members came, too. They had learned of Servas and the picnic from our website so came to see what Servas was all about! We hope they will join us! Everyone contributed a delicious dish for the spread or a bottle of wine for the community sangria.  

After lunch, Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh, US Servas Board Secretary from Nebraska, gave an overview of what is happening at US Servas, the upcoming new  Friends membership, information about running for the Board, the four branches of US Servas, Servas Youth Language Experience (SYLE), volunteer opportunities (thanks to the two people who expressed interest!), the October Conference in New York, and buying SWAG - a 2023  conference tee shirt --from our Events site to promote Servas! 

We encourage every community to host a local Servas event of some type! There is a link to Local Events Support on our website. Servas Members can set up their event on our website and get the word out to members in their neck of the woods! 

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