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Viva Servas!

November 20, 2023 2:05 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Servas France member, Céline Boute, with US members Dave Lippman and David LevingstonLetter from Céline Boute - Servas France 

In early October, I had the chance to attend the US SERVAS 2023 Conference in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. It was a fabulous event. I am very happy that I attended it.  (photo by Céline Boute - Céline with US Members Dave Lippman and David Levingston)

Servas is an international network of travelers and hosts with 16,000 members in 120 countries on five continents with a mission of "Peace and Understanding through Hosting and Traveling.” Servas is a Non-Governmental Organization created in 1949 to promote peace and help people displaced by the war to return to their villages and homesIt has had consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1973, as well as 14 representatives in New York, Geneva, and Vienna. It is a community of people sharing the same core values and DNA-- #travel #peace #exchange #diversity#culturaldifferences #curiosity #understanding.  

Being a Servas traveler is an invitation to slow down your travel pace, take the time to really meet new people in new places and share local experiences off the beaten path. Servas is affordable and available to anyone sharing the organization’s philosophy. As a Servas traveler you have an opportunity to stay with a Servas host for two nights and days and enjoy the richness of sharing their lives. 

As a 10-year Servas member, I am very grateful to have been able to join the annual US conference. I met new people and renewed my acquaintance with some Americans I had welcomed in Bordeaux a few years ago. There were so many things to enjoy! Early morning yoga sessionsworkshops, protest songs with Dave Lippman, and overall, three days of harmony and understanding.  A huge bravo to Bill Magargal for organizing a most amazing conference and a thank you to him and Marie Spodek for the invitation. When the impact of world travel is highly, and legitimately questioned, Servas is an organization that can mitigate the impact of travel... travel small, visit villages, skip the mob scenes at major tourist destinations. Anyone can join! If you would like more information, go to usservas.orgCome visit us in France!  

Longue vie à la France! Vive les EtatsUnis ! 

Céline Boute, Lormont, France 

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