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Chicago Servas Gathering

July 30, 2024 11:51 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of Chicago Gathering attendeesby Kristine Martin

Together Again in Chicago! Ten Servas hosts (two not pictured) enjoyed a summer evening at Kristine Martin's apt. We discussed our traveler visits as well as the up-and-coming requests we've received. Seasoned hosts offered advice to new members about the importance of a clear, helpful host listing (location, expectations, interests). It had been a long time without a gathering, and it felt great to catch up with each other and share Servas stories. If you are a host and don't know nearby members, reach out and organize. We are a people-to-people organization!


  • July 31, 2024 8:53 AM | Anonymous member
    Hi, I am a new member and will be in Chicago for a couple of weeks in August and would love to meet some local folks!
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