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Denver Servas Picnic Welcomes CA & UT Servas Members

August 29, 2024 4:35 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of author and her new-member daughter, Grae, at the train stationby Vicky Wason, Volunteer Interviewer

This summer, I traveled to Colorado for a cohousing conference with one of my children who recently joined Servas as an adult. We stayed with Servas people in the Denver area. We stayed with two different hosts. Susan Ludwig (who also happens to live in cohousing) hosted my daughter Grae and me and drove us back and forth to the cohousing conference. We had many things in common and enjoyed our stay. And our second hosts, Kathy and Lorenz, hosted us after the conference and drove us to Denver's annual Servas picnic. The picnic was hosted by Lani Vigil.

We were also pleased when we learned that three of those in attendance were from Mountain View, California (also attending the cohousing conference). Lani Vigil hosted Ann Marie Teegardin, Elisabeth Seaman and Geoff Ainscow..

Another surprise was that all the people from out of state came to Denver by train!  That gave me an idea. I would like to suggest we plan a PEACE TRAIN on the Amtrak Zephyr in 2025. Contact me Vicky Wason if you are interested in planning a Servas train trip for next summer.

Photo of 16 picnic attendeesAttendees at front table counterclockwise from left: Vicky Wason(UT) in Servas purple, Kathy Dolan (CO) in light plaid shirt, a man from CA, Lani, our host (Denver). Other members are from California.

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