by Anne Cordon
Several Servas members in the San Diego area and visiting Servas travelers from Tucson, AZ came together on Saturday, Sept. 14th to enjoy a late-afternoon potluck and conversation in the home of Jorge and Anne Cordon. It was a beautiful, sunny and mild afternoon and the talk around the table focused on memorable Servas traveler and host experiences, the border, migration and the situation in Cuba. It was pre-election, so members were feeling hopeful. This was the first Servas San Diego area get-together since Covid-19 so it was, in a sense, a restart of regional connections.. Plans are to gather again after the new year.
Photo L to R: Carol Trible and Mike Byer, (from AZ) Miguel (a friend from Cuba), Susan Rothman, Jorge and Anne Cordon (holding their dog Winston) and Richard Weaver (current Servas president).