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San Diego  Hosts Tucson Travelers

November 29, 2024 4:46 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Jorge & Anne Cordon - potluck hostsby Anne Cordon 

Several Servas members in the San Diego area and visiting Servas travelers from Tucson, AZ came together on Saturday, Sept. 14th to enjoy a late-afternoon potluck and conversation in the home of Jorge and Anne Cordon. It was a beautiful, sunny and mild afternoon and the talk around the table focused on memorable Servas traveler and host experiences, the border, migration and the situation in Cuba.  It was pre-election, so members were feeling hopeful. This was the first Servas San Diego area get-together since Covid-19 so it was, in a sense, a restart of regional connections.. Plans are to gather again after the new year. 

Carol Trible and Mike Byer, (from AZ) Miguel (a friend from Cuba), Susan Rothman, Jorge and Anne Cordon (holding their dog Winston) and Richard Weaver (current Servas president)

Photo L to R: Carol Trible and Mike Byer, (from AZ) Miguel (a friend from Cuba), Susan Rothman, Jorge and Anne Cordon (holding their dog Winston) and Richard Weaver (current Servas president). 

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