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International Peace Academy Project

April 04, 2023 6:21 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Servas Türkiye held a Solidarity Meeting on March 12, 2023, and received wonderful participation from all around the Servas world. Twenty-five countries and more than 100 people, shared their support and suggestions for the earthquake survivors and Servas Peace School. During the meeting, Mehmet Ateş, proposed a permanent facility for the Servas Peace School. Like an academy, it would function all year long and would be open to any Servas projects and would be available to the local community as well. This idea received a good amount of support. After the meeting we came together with the Servas Turkish team and decided to move ahead with the idea as well as take some concrete steps. 

We believe that this would be a great dream come true for Servas and should not belong only to Servas Türkiye but the entire Servas world. Therefore, we invite all Servas organizations to be part of this dream and work together as a project team of volunteers to take part in each phase of the project. Our immediate need is to create a work team of architects, project developers, fundraisers, educators, recycling project experts, environmental scientists, and those who have a huge heart who just want to do what will make this project happen, make this dream come true. 

If you believe that you can be a part of this project with any kind of contribution based on your abilities, please write to usa bout what your contribution might be. We will then initiate a working group of volunteers to decide on next steps. 

Read Mehmet's vision and goals for the Servas Peace School Academy. Mr. Ateş notes are preliminary and will be further developed together with the volunteer team. 

The huge earthquake destroyed not only buildings but the veins of the cultural diversity and treasures in Antakya. Servas Peace School Academy will mitigate the loss and even remake the earthquake area as a valley of knowledge and skills. 

It will be a permanent, year-round, sustainable, environment-friendly academy where children will discover the diversity of the earth. Adults will be able to join activities and volunteer as trainers. The academy will function as a Servas international center, too. 

In addition to the topics that emphasize Servas values, the academy will cooperate with local farmers, other producers, and human resources and include them in learning and sharing processes. Volunteers will stay with local families for maximum exchange opportunities. Now, we need to: 

  • Search for funded land, or buy or rent a piece of land if possible.
  • Build houses (ecological with local/modern architecture) 
  • Invite volunteers to help with planning, organizing, and building 
  • Start a donation campaign. 

Our goal is to build this academy with the support and sources of Servas members and Servas friends all around the world. This way, it is going to be our Servas home. Let's not postpone our dreams. Let's share what we know with younger generations and different cultures. Let's teach and learn. Let's stand up and start to change life for good. Let's work together to build together. Let's give ourselves a chance to realize our values. It is possible when we work together. 

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