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17th Annual Türkiye Peace Camp

February 27, 2024 6:32 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of domed platform tent with ballons announcing the peace school July 4-14, 2024 

The Servas Peace School in Ekinci, Türkiye is holding its 17th annual Peace Camp where Servas travelers can share their worlds with the village youngsters. One year ago this month, this region was badly damaged by a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake centered about three hours away near the major city of Gaziantep. The camp will give international travelers a chance to experience traditional village life and to meet and share with the local villagers. It is hoped that you will teach village children about your world, and in the process feel their joy and animated smiles. 

In the words of Italian Servas traveler, Francesco Stoduto who recently attended the camp, "Everything is unforgettable: the children, the animators/interpreters, the Servas friends from India, Pakistan, Mexico, Italy, Russia, the hospitality of the host families...And all the other friends who contributed to wonderful days and helped everyone forget the heat and wind of southwestern Turkey." Here is a link to Francesco's full article. 

In addition to experiencing village life and visiting villagers’ homes you might also assist with the post-earthquake recovery process. If you would like more information about the camp, please email 

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