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Servas by Bike - France August 8-12

March 29, 2024 7:42 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Postyer-like graphic with abstract bicycleServas by bike will take place in Lorraine, France, August 8 (arrival) -12 (departure), 2024. Please sign-up ASAP (it may already be too late) - payment will be possible in April. IBAN information will be delivered upon successful registration. Registration can only be made for the entire duration of the event. Circa 30 spots are available, 10 of which will be reserved for those under 35.

We will stay overnight at Soleole in Landremont. This lodging is committed to sustainability. It is located at the top of a hill, surrounded by natural areas to explore. Each evening, after our bike ride, we will engage in a variety of activities. You can explore the options (book exchange, donkey walk, yoga etc.) when filling out the registration form. Lodging is in shared rooms. Bikes can be rented on site; however, you should bring your own helmet. Servas members will be given priority for registration. Here is a link to the Registration Form.

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