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Servas Africa Assembly

August 29, 2024 2:39 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Servas members planting trees at end of African assemblyby Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh

August 19th was the last day of the Servas Africa Meeting held north of Mombasa Kenya at the Jumuia Conference and Beach Resort included a stop at the Bomburi Forest. Members donated enough money for 70 trees and were able to plant 50 in this restoration project. Servas Italy members Franca Giovanna and Piero Girolodo organized the donation of funds to repair a school in the village nearby the conference location and a home for a mother of six. Local Servas Kenya member, Perry Thoya, a local contractor and will report progress back to the group who attended the conference.

Photo of Attendees at African fonference during tree plantingPictured in the first tree planting from left to right is (1) Philip Olero, Servas Kenya National Secretary, (2) Fidel Rutayisire, Servas Rwanda National Secretary, (3) Radha Radhakrishna, Servas US and Servas International President, (4) Ahmed Salem, Egypt, (5) Perry Thoya Servas Kenya, (6) Wen-Chi Liu, Servas Taiwan.  

US Servas members attending the conference were from California, Connecticut and Nebraska: Jacqueline Barnhardt, Devon and Nichole Burke, Jeff Epler, Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh, Ingrid Kirst, Paige LaCombe, Rhada Radhakrishna and Wooly Wooldridge.  

see US Servas Plants Trees

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