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Tell Us Who Inspires You

May 04, 2023 1:12 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Graphic - words love, harmony, peace, joy with US Servas Peace Award logoNominations Open for US Servas Peace Prize 

As a Servas traveler and/or host you have probably met people who inspire you with their efforts to make life better for others. Maybe it is someone like US member Allison F. who has worked for extended periods with World Central Kitchen to provide food for Ukrainian refugees in Hungary, and at the Texas border for refugees from Central America. Perhaps it is a member who has worked for years providing water and much needed supplies to immigrants in the desert, or someone who has taken refugees into their home. 

Many of these people, like Allison, are loathe to toot their own horn, and protest with statements like, "There are many others who do this," or "It's nothing, it is just what I do." These are exactly the kind of people we want to know about, and perhaps recognize with one of three US Servas Peace Awards See Details. These awards are intended to recognize their efforts, to inspire other members, and to support the NGO with which they are affiliated. We are not looking for the next Desmond Tutu, or Mother Teresa. We simply want to emphasize and celebrate the US Servas mission of peace.  

So please, if you know an inspirational US Servas member, nominate them for one of the awards. This will further confirm our commitment to peace, provide a significant donation to a worthy NGO, and offset conference attendance costs for the awardee.  

Nominations will be accepted until July 31, 2023. The awards will be presented at our 2023 National Conference Oct. 6-8 in upstate New York. Here is a link to the nomination form. If you have questions, please email We look forward to learning about and being inspired by all the amazing things US Servas members are accomplishing to make the world a better and more peaceful place. 

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