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Peace Awards - A way to Donate to a Great NGO

June 09, 2023 6:14 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

graphic shows several NGO logos - World Central Kitchen, Samaritans, Together Women Rise, etcThe board has set a priority This year to reaffirm the "Peace" part of US Servas... we are not just a travel group. In March we established the first US Servas Peace Awards to recognize members who inspire us by doing a bit more to promote peace and justice than many of us do.The objective is to motivate by example... showing people engaged in peace and justice activities as part of their life. We are not looking for superheroes. 

We currently have two nominees... we know there are many other members doing noteworthy things, so please, by all means nominate them.Remember, we are not looking for superheroes or Nobel Prize candidates... just members doing a bit more. 

So why do we have an award? Well, first, to recognize members, and hopefully, inspire others to do a bit more. The hitch is, most of the members doing P&J work are doing it from their heart, not for recognition. They often say things like, "There are plenty of other people doing more, etc." So how do we motivate them to be a nominee... A significant donation (up to $500) to the NGO that they work with. Here is how to nominate someone.  

  • Log in to US Servas and click on the MEMBERS AREA menu item. 

  • Then choose US Peace Awards 

  • This will open the Peace Awards Nomination webpage. Review the criteria on the page, then complete the nomination form and click "Submit". 

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