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3rd Servas Peace Forum - Dec. 2, 2023

November 25, 2023 3:33 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Servas Taiwan logoWe are happy to invite you and would be honored to have you join the 3rd Servas Peace Forum, which will be hosted by Taiwan on Saturday, December 2nd from 7:00 – 8:30 AM Eastern time. The subject of the meeting will be “Partnership with local communities and universities."

Recently, Servas Taiwan collaborated with a community in a remote area to host Travelers. Both sides felt things went very well. Soon, Servas Taiwan will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Providence University to encourage more youth to join Servas. Come to see what they did and how to achieve this in your area. Here is a link to Register.

We look forward to meeting you online. In peace and friendship,

Francisco Salomón Luna Aburto / Mei Wang

Servas International Peace Secretaries

"Servas International has the overarching, long-term vision of a peaceful world, and its mission is to contribute to achieving this goal." 

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