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Sept. 21 - Day of Peace

September 01, 2024 1:31 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

graphic - Olive tree with words US Servas Day of Peace 2024by Karen Morian, Peace Secretary 

On September 21, US Servas will host a nationwide online conference in honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace. This year’s theme is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.” More than just a single day of commemoration, the date is a call to individuals and organizations to collective action in order to make the world a more peaceful planet.

US Servas members will be meeting online (although gathering in person locally is encouraged) to hear from both fellow Servas members and from partner organizations about our work in peacebuilding, social justice, and climate action, and to learn more about how to get involved.

So, join us on Saturday, September 21, from 1-4:00 p.m. ET (10-1:00 pm PT) as we celebrate 75 years of Servas, and discuss how we can build our engagement with the world into the future. Here is a Zoom link to the meeting.

For questions, please email

We look forward to seeing you all on camera, and to hearing from you about the possibilities for a more peaceful future.

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