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Frequent-Flyer Miles Wanted

November 26, 2024 12:20 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

clip-art graphic of Airplane with the words CSW Express emblazoned on the sideby Karen Morian, US Peace Secretary

Do you have unused frequent flyer miles just sitting there? Why not put them to good use?! You can donate them to help a Servas Youth member attend the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York in March 2025.

Help build the future of Servas and introduce Servas to a new global audience of young people working for peace. If you wish to donate miles to help our youth delegates attend this important international event contact US Servas Peace Secretary, Karen Morian, at

Please indicate which Airline group your miles are with and how many you can contribute. Offers of financial support are also most welcome. 

Many thanks for your support. 

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