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LaCombe to Represent Servas at 2025 CSW Conference

November 30, 2024 7:35 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of Paige LaCombe in Middle EastWe are delighted to announce that US Servas member, Paige LaCombe, has been selected to represent Servas International at the UN Commision on the Status of Women Conference in New Yok next March. She will attend five days of the Main, Side, and Parallel Events. As a Servas Peace Ambassador Paige will be spending a lot of time in and around the grounds of the United Nations networking on behalf of Servas. I will get to meet many representatives from NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations) and participate in the meet-up: Let’s Talk About Peace.

CSW 69 Theme: The main focus of the sixty-ninth session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly. The review will include an assessment of current challenges that affect the implementation of the Platform for Action and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and its contribution towards the full realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Please find information about the status of women in your country here.

Servas International Purpose:

Graphic for Beijing Declaration 30th AnniversaryServas International is a grassroots organization that can infuse the language, focus and presence of peace through our attendance at CSW. The 12 goals of Beijing+30 increases the importance of peace-building organizations like Servas being proactive and speaking one-on-one with other CSW participants about peace.

Servas Women Vision:

Servas Women is an organizing body within Servas International. It has been created to empower women through travel and hosting. Our goal is to share and network for peace and impart our desire for gender equality and other basic human rights and freedoms for all.

Space is limited for in person attendance at CSW, however, virtual attendance is possible. If you would like to apply to do so, go here

If you want to attend online,

Servas Women organizers will send out a request for hosting to all the Servas members in the New York area to secure hosting if possible. Of course, this is not guaranteed but we have been successful in the past. We will also work to coordinate stays so that groups of participants can travel to the UN together. At this time, in-person participants should plan to cover their own travel expenses. We will however, have meetings specifically about fundraising and will provide support in the form of letters and helpful suggestions. Fundraising is part of being an advocate and is wonderful preparation for advocacy at the UN. Please contact Karen Morian (via the WhatsApp group) for assistance tools in setting up funding platforms.

Paige LaCombe is the on-site coordinator for in-person attendance of our Servas Peace Ambassadors. You can contact her through the Whats App In-Person attendance group which will be provided to you soon or

All other questions about CSW69 can be directed to 

If you want to attend online,

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