Well, times have changed … it’s not your same old Servas. The good news is, no more four-year-old, outdated Host List Books. The bad news? Things are different, and you must learn some new Computer Skills. Yikes! Thank goodness it isn’t all that hard.
As you probably know US Servas has now moved to two new computer systems: our US website –which keeps track of our contact information, and the Servas International (SI) website–, which has all travel and hosting related information. All but a few, small or developing nations are also using the international site. We can still provide you with a host list for the very few nations that are not using the SI website.
Although the International system has its quirks (version II is on the way), it does have a great search engine to Find Members and to create custom host lists. Better yet, it has a map search view, which lets you look for hosts on a map. This means you don’t have to know the name of every small village near the route you are traveling. You simply click on bubbles that appear on the map. You can also create your own, custom host list that includes the hosts you have check-marked on a search you have done. Here are links to short, Quick-Help Guides that show you how to Find Hosts, and to Create a Host List.