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SYLE 2023 - Language Immersion Program

April 03, 2023 3:13 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Would you like to have a language and cultural immersion experience with Servas?  The Servas SYLE program offers younger Servas members (18 to 30) an opportunity to widen their knowledge of a language by immersing themselves in another culture. Hospitality is offered by Servas hosts and organized in the spirit of generosity and cooperation between Servas groups in different countries. The program involves young people in the everyday life of their host family and local community. US Servas offers some financial assistance to participate in this program.

Registration should be made 3 to 4 months before your planned travel. Here is a link to the Registration Form. Submit your application to for more information visit the Servas International SYLE webpage. If you still have questions feel free to email

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