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Update on Servas Youth Language Exchanges

July 07, 2023 11:32 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo of youth in fron tof chalkboard and various national flagsby Lee Rowley 

The US Servas Board has been busy collaborating with our colleagues from Italy, Spain and Israel to invigorate our SYLE (Servas Youth Language Experience) program.  We define youth as ages 18-30.   

If you, your extended family, friends, or neighbors would like to host a youth from another country for approximately one week, please let us know.  US Servas can coordinate a home stay at your home based on your preferences.  There are many youths from other parts of the world, especially in Servas countries that have well-established STYLE programs: Spain, Italy and Israel, for example, who would be very interested in having an immersion experience here in the US.  What is required?  Simply to include the traveler in your family meals, as well as to provide sleeping accommodations for approximately one week. 

Another option: If you have someone in your immediate or extended family, friends or neighbors who would like to send a youth for a 4-6 week immersion experience to improve language skills or cultural immersion, consider the SYLE program.  The youth traveler would be responsible for transportation and spending money.  The host family will provide meals and sleeping accommodations.  Travel to another country for four weeks would be coordinated by Servas representatives from the host country and would entail the youth traveler staying with approximately four families. 

US Servas is looking forward to jump-starting this program and to engaging our younger members in this exciting endeavor.If you would like to learn more, or to have a deeper conversation about our SYLE program, please use this Contact Us form or the link at the bottom of any US Servas webpage.

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