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Hosting SYLE Style

March 28, 2024 1:09 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo of six young people each holding their national flagby Lee Rowley & Tys Sniffen 

US Servas is working to re-energize our SYLE program (Servas Young–adult Language Experience) both by finding SYLE hosts AND by encouraging our younger members to become SYLE travelers.  You might recommend SYLE to a younger Servas member (18-30) in your extended family or circle of friends who would be interested in this language/travel experience. This is a great time to think about and plan for SYLE (early spring planning for a summer experience).

U.S. Servas SYLE Programs provide one-week stays with four different US hosts.  Would you, or someone in your extended family or network of friends, be interested in hosting a SYLE traveler for one week?  If you are interested, please tell us (see below) so we can put you on the list of potential hosts. If you are asked to host a SYLE you can always decline, just like a regular Servas visit. No harm, no foul.

US Servas has a limited number of $500 needs-based scholarships available this calendar year that could be used for SYLE travel expenses.  SYLE hosts of course provide food and lodging, but SYLE travelers are responsible for their own incidental expenses, including local travel, dining out, museums or similar entrance fees, etc.

US Servas is compiling a list of our members who would be willing to host a SYLE visitor for one week.  If you are interested in becoming a SYLE host, or you know someone who might be interested in traveling via a SYLE, or if you have questions, please email

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