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May 04, 2023 2:59 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Annual Meeting Sat., June 3rd

by Richard Weaver 

US Servas Annual meetings are now virtual.  This year's meeting will be held on Saturday, June 3rd at 10:00 Pacific Time (1:00 MT, 12:00 CT, and 1:00 ET).  All members are invited to participate. This will be your chance to be part of decision-making at US Servas. We are planning a lively event that will be highlighted with a discussion about what it means to be a “peace organization” in these times. Plus, there will be brief reports on US Servas activities and finances. 

This will be a virtual meeting.  Visit the US Servas website to Register. The conference video link will be automatically shared with those who register.

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