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2024 Annual Meeting Draws a Crowd

June 29, 2024 12:37 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)
Graphic with photo of Richard Weaver, and 75th Anniversary of Servas

The US Servas annual meeting was held via Zoom on June 8th with 114 people registered to attend. This was slightly more than the 2023 registration of 111 attendees. People joined and left the meeting throughout the entire meeting, so it is likely that most registrants participated in the event. Here is a link to watch a video of the meeting.

The event kicked off promptly at 10:00 AM Pacific time with about 75 people in attendance. We broke out into groups of 4 to 5 people for a five-minute "get to know one another" exercise. Upon return, board president Richard Weaver welcomed everyone and noted that 2024 is the 75th anniversary of Servas International. He reported that after three years as an all-volunteer organization, US Servas was in excellent shape both financially and that membership was up to nearly 1900 members.

After Richard's presentation the board liaisons for each US Servas branch gave a short update on their team's accomplishments during the previous year, and goals for the upcoming year. These included: Finance: Leena Desai, Member Services: Tim Sullivan, Technology: Shyla Esko Bare, Communications: Tys Sniffen & Bill Magargal, Peace: Karen Morian, and Governance: Richard Weaver.

Two motions were presented to the members for a vote, and both passed by large majorities. These included:

  1. Should US Servas "merge" the old New York State corporation into our current Nevada corporation?
  2. Rick Wolfe and Debra Skomer were approved to lead the 2024 Elections Committee

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