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Board Election Results

October 30, 2024 8:22 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Graphic with Servas logo and 4.75 Stars RatingThis year's board elections saw a good turnout with 95 host/traveler members casting votes. The slate of candidates was so exceptional that only fractions of a point separated the highest and lowest rated. We are glad our voting system worked so well so everyone could be represented and all votes made a difference. With that being said, electees for the two-year seats are Allison McCann and Effie Trihas. The three-year terms were awarded to Deirdre Araujo, Vena Rainwater, and Richard Wolfe.

Thank you, election team, for managing the elections, and a special welcome to our new board electees. We look forward to working with them in January.

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