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US Servas Members Volunteer at Uganda Peace School

August 30, 2024 12:02 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

poster announcing peace schoolby Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh

US Servas members Jacqueline Barnhardt and Joanne Ferguson Cavanaugh along with Servas members from Italy, Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey, Kenya, and England, will be volunteering at the first Ugandan Peace School from August 25-30. Buyoga is a small village located 20 miles away from Masaka city ( see map). The village is well known for coffee and matoke. The people of the village are mostly subsistence farmers, and, in every home, there are some domestic birds.

The Peace School was organized by Uganda Servas Peace Secretary Prossy Nampijja for the village area which has about 80 children and teens. The program is modeled after the Peace School in Türkiye where Mr. Nampijja volunteered for several years. The philosophy behind the school is that every person has something to teach, and every piece of knowledge is precious. A baker teaches how to make bread, the villagers teach making tomato paste, some people teach math, astronomy, yoga, art, folk dances, French, Arabic or an indigenous African or American language, etc. That means every person can volunteer in this school, teach and learn.

map of Africa with inset showing location of Uganda Peace School


  • September 02, 2024 7:32 AM | Anonymous member
    The response to the school was overwhelming. The first day 210 children attended, the second -243 and it only increased from there. 40 kilos of rice was made for the children’s lunch each day which they consider a special treat as they only have it during their holidays. Inpartnered with Lillian from Taiwan to do origami, card games, water coloring, reading, games and line dancing. Jacqueline Barnhardt had a lot of Taiwan volunteers helping the children make a peace and friendship quilt.
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