by Bill Magargal
For many years US Servas has wrestled with the question of youth. How can we attract more younger members? Are we just ageing out? Last November, the board gathered data from our membership records to shed some light on the issue (see chart below). For purposes of the study, new members were defined as anyone who were approved between Jan. 1, 2022 and Nov. 18. Existing members were defined as active members on Nov. 18, excluding the new members. Here are some interesting statistics.
The median age for "new members" was 60. The median age for existing members was 70. Membership drops off dramatically after the age of 80... no surprise there. On the other end of the scale, the number of existing members in their twenties was the lowest of any age bracket. However, the number of new members in that category (42) was a significant increase. The total number of members between ages thirty to sixty were only 30% of members aged sixty and above. Here are our take-aways from the study.
Half of our new members join at age sixty or above, which is when most people retire and have the time and the means to travel. It is also the age when people have the time and inclination to reflect on life and recognize the value of connectedness, the importance of relationships vs. possessions, and hope to leave our world a little bit better and a little more peaceful.
The dip in membership between the ages of thirty and sixty is also expected. This is when people are at the peak of their careers, and when their kids are headed to college. Time and money are both at a premium. Travel?... only a dream.
What about the younger people? Hopefully, they are idealistic. Hopefully, they want to see the world. Slow travel?... visiting old people? ... maybe not so much. But, I believe there is an increasing number of young people interested in "real travel", seeing things other than the regular tourist spots. We should certainly improve our marketing and intake process to encourage these people to join. What are your thoughts on all of this?