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Come Travel With Me

September 28, 2024 7:25 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo of two women travelers with a mapBy Deirdre Marlowe

Like many Servas members I love to travel, no secret there. I was bitten by the travel bug a long time ago, and since then, it’s an itch I always need to scratch. It is way more fun to share travel with others, but sometimes, I don’t want to take an organized tour... I just want to wander or go to an unusual place and/or at my own pace.

I wish there was a place on the Servas website where we could indicate that we would like to travel with a like-minded travel companion who also wants to travel with someone else. Maybe it could simply be a checkbox in our profile that reads “Want co-travelers: Yes, No (default), Male only, Female only.” In the interim, maybe it could simply be a list or something on the website that travelers can update. What do you think? Should we ask Servas to add this?


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