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Run for the Bored [sic]

July 30, 2024 12:20 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of a young bored woman and another running for the US Servas board.US Servas is an all-volunteer organization, and as such, we have an ongoing need for volunteers. At any given moment we have about 35 active core volunteers working to keep the Servas wheels turning, doing things like finances, newsletters, renewing memberships, handling tech problems, etc. It also includes our board members and Peace Secretary.

The US Servas board has nine voting members, each serving a three-year term. The terms are staggered such that every year three new members are elected. This year we have two additional two-year vacancies to fill for board members who were unable to complete their full terms. That makes five!... SO, we really need you to run for a slot on the board.

If you are at all interested in joining the board, visit the US Servas Run for the Board webpage to learn more, and hopefully, submit an application. You must be logged in to US Servas to do this.

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