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Candidate Forum & Elections • Key Dates

September 29, 2024 9:40 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo collage of the five board candidatesby Bill Magargal

The US Servas election cycle is now in full swing. The Candidate Forum will be held via zoom on Wednesday, October 16, 5:00 pm Pacific Time (6 MT, 7 CT, 8 ET) Voting begins Friday, October 18, and ends Sunday, October 27. This year's election committee consists of Vicki Muse, Dennis Scarla, Debra Skomer, and Tys Sniffen (Board Liaison). The election committee will send out an email soon to all members with a link to the forum and bios for each candidate.

We have five candidates running for the US Servas board, They are: Deirdre Araujo (Alameda, CA), Allison McCann (Smithtown, NY), Vena Rainwater (Portland, OR), Effie Trihas (New Port Richie, FL), and Richard Wolfe (San Luis Obispo, CA).

There are five slots open... three three-year terms, and two one-two terms. We will use a Consensus-style voting system to differentiate among the nominees. This is like various internet reviews that use one to five stars to rate the candidates, where 1 is unfavorable, 3 is no opinion, and 5 is highly favorable. The candidates receiving the lowest tallies will receive the two-year seats.


  • September 30, 2024 3:56 PM | Anonymous member
    After two trips, one to Europe and one to Costa Rica, in which I could don't find a single host that was willing to host us, I have serious misgivings about the future of the organization. I have been a member since the late '70s, and am wondering if the organization is still relevant or functional, and if a new strategy needs to be put in place. At the very least, this issue needs to be studied, as I heard back from the lead in Costa Rica and all she did was complain that when she went to the US she did not hear back from any of the 12 hosts she contacted. I would like to know what the candidates positions are in regards to expanding the organization and if they have any ideas as to designing some inducement for more people to become hosts.
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    • September 30, 2024 6:13 PM | Anonymous member
      Hi Joe. As I read through your comment, I couldn't stop thinking how I, too, had experienced many of the same concerns. In fact, a close friend of mine - the individual who introduced me to Servas and a long-time member of the organization - had expressed the same relevance concerns when we last connected a year ago. He felt that Servas was losing ground and other "concepts" were filling in the void. We need not mention them because they are nothing as uplifting and positive as Servas. They are merely a place to stay. I was deeply saddened to hear him say this. I believe Servas to be such a powerful organization promoting connections/friendships across cultures and the world. We are not a place to "crash" for a night or two... Yet, there are many member profiles on the site without LOI or even bios. Sometimes it takes a while for a potential "connection" to respond because they don't actively go on the site or check their email. It can all be rather disheartening. During a recent trip this summer to France, I had a difficult time finding hosts. And I must say that France of all places shouldn't be that hard!
      So I've been thinking about what we could do to promote Servas to old and new members. Everyone I've told about Servas has never heard of the organization. But we could name a plethora of other organizations (I still won't name them) that they have heard of. Perhaps we need a business model aligned with a stronger online presence. More promotion through social media venues. As members, we also need to promote Servas. On Youtube we have some great videos, yet very few clicks/views. If we want to reach a younger group of people (and they are traveling), then we have to use the platforms they use. I have some videography skills and am quite creative. And I'm sure we have a huge talent pool within our ranks if we look. We have to become known. Period. And social media is the way.
      Second point, is our weak member response. I'm not sure why people have their names up but no bios and/or LOI. I do recall having to go through the interview process, and while I ended up enjoying my conversation (we spoke for over an hour), I had some initial trepidation. Prehaps there is a better way to entice new members - and having them complete their profiles and LOI - then "the interview." I belong to a few pet/house sitting groups where I had to pretty much go through a screening process by uploading my driver's license, getting references that could be validated by the site, and having my email and address verified. On one site, I even had a criminal check. Of course, I'm not saying potential members should undergo a criminal check. I was just expressing what I had to do for one site I belong too.
      I believe Servas has so much potential with nothing working against it save for its self-promotion. So with that, I offer you a possible strategy. I use Chatgpt to help save time in research and in organization. I used it here and believe much of what "it" provided is beneficial. If I'm elected to the board I would love to interact with other board members (and members) to strategically implement some of these!

      The following is per ChatGPT:
      Here are 10 steps to help promote Servas more effectively, particularly to younger potential members. These steps focus on boosting engagement, improving visibility, and creating a compelling narrative around your mission:

      1. Clarify and Refresh Your Brand
      Action: Create a clear, compelling narrative that resonates with younger audiences. Focus on how Servas promotes cross-cultural friendships and unique travel experiences that are affordable, meaningful, and community-driven.
      Tip: Update your branding to make it fresh, modern, and appealing. Use vibrant visuals, personal stories, and testimonials that showcase real-world impacts of being a part of Servas.
      2. Optimize Your Social Media Strategy
      Action: Focus on platforms where younger people are most active, like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Post content that encourages interaction—such as polls, challenges, and videos of Servas members sharing their experiences.
      Tip: Use hashtags like #CulturalFriendship, #ServasTravel, or #GlobalFriendships to make posts more discoverable.
      Bonus: Partner with micro-influencers who align with your values (e.g., travel influencers) to promote the organization.
      3. Leverage User-Generated Content
      Action: Encourage members to share their stories of meaningful cross-cultural experiences. Offer incentives for members to post about their Servas travels (e.g., social media features or discounts on membership renewal).
      Tip: Run a campaign where members post photos or videos of their travels with Servas, tagging the organization and using a branded hashtag like #ServasStories.
      4. Develop Targeted Digital Campaigns
      Action: Run paid social media ads that specifically target younger demographics (ages 18–35) interested in travel, cultural exchange, and volunteer opportunities.
      Tip: Focus on promoting affordable membership and unique travel opportunities as a major benefit for students or young professionals looking to travel meaningfully but also on a budget.
      5. Create Engaging Video Content
      Action: Invest in creating short, engaging videos that explain what Servas is about and feature real members sharing their experiences.
      Tip: Share these videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and even LinkedIn, where young professionals might be looking for global networking opportunities. (NOTE: We have done this, but not as successfully as we could).
      6. Promote the Ambassador Program
      Action: Members can be empowered to promote Servas at their universities or in their local communities thru such a program. Provide incentives like free memberships or exclusive experiences.
      Tip: Equip ambassadors with promotional materials and guide them in organizing cultural exchange talks or events.
      7. Collaborate with Universities and Study Abroad Programs
      Action: Partner with university study abroad offices and international student groups. Offer Servas as a resource for students traveling abroad to engage in immersive cultural experiences.
      Tip: Create flyers, brochures, or digital materials that can be distributed to students and study abroad offices, highlighting Servas as a way to travel with purpose.
      8. Improve SEO and Content Marketing
      Action: Improve your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by using keywords like “affordable cultural exchange,” “travel with purpose,” and “global friendships” to attract more organic traffic.
      Tip: Start a Servas blog that shares tips for cultural travel, in-depth stories from members, and guides on how to join and participate.
      9. Host Virtual Events and Webinars
      Action: Organize regular virtual events like cultural exchange webinars, Q&A sessions, or virtual meetups where potential members can learn about the benefits of joining Servas.
      Tip: Record these sessions and share them on social media and YouTube to reach a wider audience.
      10. Create Referral and Loyalty Programs
      Action: Launch a referral program where current members can earn discounts or rewards by referring new members. Offer small discounts or exclusive experiences as incentives.
      Tip: Implement a loyalty program where members who renew each year receive unique benefits like exclusive online meetups or a feature on the website.
      Execution Timeline:
      Week 1-2: Refresh your brand and clarify your mission to align with younger audiences.
      Week 3-4: Optimize social media accounts, implement video campaigns, and launch user-generated content challenges.
      Month 2: Run targeted digital ad campaigns and start ambassador recruitment.
      Month 3: Reach out to universities and collaborate on study abroad opportunities.
      Month 4 and ongoing: Continue hosting virtual events, growing your blog, and expanding your referral program.
      By following these steps, you can attract a younger audience, increase engagement on social media, and ultimately boost Servas membership.
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      • October 08, 2024 4:20 PM | Anonymous member
        Is this something written by one of the candidates, and if so, which one? fantastic ideas but sounds quite difficult to implement by volunteers.
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      • October 08, 2024 4:22 PM | Anonymous member
        Now after logging into the US Servas website, I see a name associated with the writing, and the person is not one of the candidates for the board. But the ideas are really excellent.
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    • October 15, 2024 8:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
      Hi, Joe. Did you try reaching out with WhatsApp? I have had terrific success reaching out to members with that and they typically respond within a day - email not such luck. The new Servas International website lets hosts indicate if they would like mobile/text notification and we do ask that you CONFIRM your profile when it is up to date - many might not be. We would also like to get an app for members too, but developing something like that is a lot of $$. Please attend the candidates forum!
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    • October 15, 2024 8:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
      Joe, one more comment about inducing people to become hosts. We have a lot of members who want to travel but are hesitant to host.....Travelers need hosts so we encourage everyone who wants to travel to reciprociate and double their cultural encounters by welcoming people either as a Day Host if you have no place to accommodate guests, or an overnight host. There are also some countries that will not host a traveler if they are not a host - and everyone can be a day host at the very least!
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