by Bill Magargal
The US Servas election cycle is now in full swing. The Candidate Forum will be held via zoom on Wednesday, October 16, 5:00 pm Pacific Time (6 MT, 7 CT, 8 ET) Voting begins Friday, October 18, and ends Sunday, October 27. This year's election committee consists of Vicki Muse, Dennis Scarla, Debra Skomer, and Tys Sniffen (Board Liaison). The election committee will send out an email soon to all members with a link to the forum and bios for each candidate.
We have five candidates running for the US Servas board, They are: Deirdre Araujo (Alameda, CA), Allison McCann (Smithtown, NY), Vena Rainwater (Portland, OR), Effie Trihas (New Port Richie, FL), and Richard Wolfe (San Luis Obispo, CA).
There are five slots open... three three-year terms, and two one-two terms. We will use a Consensus-style voting system to differentiate among the nominees. This is like various internet reviews that use one to five stars to rate the candidates, where 1 is unfavorable, 3 is no opinion, and 5 is highly favorable. The candidates receiving the lowest tallies will receive the two-year seats.