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Message from Our New President

January 30, 2025 12:12 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)
Photo of New Board Chair, Tim SullivanUS Servas not the Other Guy

by Tim Sullivan

Servas began as a peace building organization after World War II. For more than 75 years Servas has been actively trying to support peace in our world. Bob Luitweiler writes “Though not pacifists, Servas has, from the start, aimed to build the foundations of justice that can lead to a peaceful world”. Sadly, today our mission is more relevant than ever. In 2024 wars, violence, injustice and environmental disasters have resulted in record levels of human migration. The experts who maintain the Doomsday Clock said humanity was as close as ever to global catastrophe. Yes, peace building work is more important than ever.

I believe we are called in some way to work for justice for not only our species but all of creation. It is a big job and can seem overwhelming but each of us can do some small part. Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” I am thankful for the opportunity to volunteer with Servas. It is one of the ways I can personally support a more just and peaceful world.

"I believe we are called in some way to work for justice for not only our species but all of creation."

The opportunity to meet local folks in their home and learn about their lives and community has been an absolute wonder and joy for my spouse Charlotte and me. I am sure each of you could share amazing stories about your travel experiences. In every Servas stay we have been guided to local wonders we would have never found as simple tourists. These connections to people different than ourselves are the building blocks of our transformation leading to understanding and tolerance for other peoples and cultures.

In January the US Servas board of directors gathered to reflect on how Servas could advance our peace building efforts in 2025. I would like to share what I think is one of the more challenging strategic initiatives we adopted.

The pandemic resulted in a dramatic drop in membership that forced the board at the time to move to an all-volunteer organization. (All of the Servas groups in other countries are all volunteer.) By early 2023 our membership had grown back to a pre-pandemic level. In 2024 our membership remained flat with little growth.

The board felt since our primary way to build peace is by cultural exchange via hosting and traveling, we should focus our efforts on improving processes, communication, and member experience to keep current and attract new members. This effort will impact every member, volunteer, and all the teams that drive our work every day. There is a lot of opportunity in these areas, and I suspect this will be a multiyear project.

Naturally, there are a few challenges and opportunities for our membership to get involved and support this effort. Here is a short list of suggestions:

Don’t allow your membership to lapse!

  • Sometimes folks allow their membership to lapse if they are not planning on traveling in a given year. We hope Servas is a way for you to support peace building and for only $33.00 a year.

Become a host!

  • Without hosts there is no traveling. Everyone can be a day host. It is another great way to connect.


  • If we really can grow membership, we will need lots of new volunteers. Every little bit helps. If you have experience with web design/programming, or with video calls and navigating on, we’d love to hear from you. Use the Volunteer link below.

Reach out to friends and neighbors and invite them to learn about Servas.

Host a local event!

  • This is great way to meet Servas members in your community and attract new members.
  • Better yet see if the Servas members in your area would like to host the 2026 Servas National Conference!

I will close with a thank you for being a Servas member, for supporting peace, and for considering how you might get more involved with our efforts. Oh, and by the way, Charlotte and I live in Western Iowa, and we want more travelers! You are welcome here!

Tim Sullivan

Board of Directors Chair


Follow this link if you would like to learn more about Volunteering

Follow this link if you would like to begin Hosting or Traveling


  • February 06, 2025 6:57 AM | Anonymous member
    I’d like to offer my skills in Breaking the silence that perpetuates childhood sexual abuse” it would be wonderful if would be included in the helpful links on the Servas website- The prevention of CSA needs to be addressed openly, often and easily- Brsve Voices assists this goal. Families traveling and hosting need to address the uncomfortable reality that sexual abuse happens everywhere. I’d be happy to offer a class to Servas members, address this epidemic.

    I’m also a Certified Non Violent Communication Trainer- I’d be happy to offer a class on communication with the Servas community..
    Link  •  Reply

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