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Merging NY Corporation with Nevada

January 30, 2025 1:48 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of legal documents mixed with red tapeEileen M. Rowley

As a result of the COVID pandemic US Servas became an all-volunteer organization. Over the next several years we've spent many hours reorganizing, automating, and simplifying processes to support our new all-volunteer operations. One last tax/legal detail of this process is to merge our defunct New York corporation with our new State of Nevada corporation. This bureaucratic, red-tape-filled process has taken several years to solidify. Completing this process requires a vote of our membership.

Voting for the merger will begin online on April 7, 2025, and conclude on April 17, 2025. You may also vote at the Board of Directors monthly meeting on April 17th beginning at 5:00 PM CST. Please be on the lookout for the voting link that will be e-mailed to you in early April and do your best to vote. We must have a quorum to pass the motion.


  • January 31, 2025 4:36 PM | Anonymous member
    Apologies for my ignorance.
    For those of us who are not sure about the implications of the merger, could you please briefly state the purpose of the merger and how it is going to impact members.
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