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Servas International Adopts New Code of Ethics

February 21, 2024 2:23 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo of man holding sign that reads "Got Ethics?"By Shyla Esko Bare 

In 2023, Servas International formally adopted a new Code of Ethics as a requirement for all Servas members world-wide. For the most part, the Code of Ethics contains wording that we've all come to associate with Servas values. However, one new and significant component is our commitment to protecting the environment (see below) "... caring for people and the planet." 

Vision and Mission: The aim of Servas networking is to create conditions for exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge that promotes tolerance and understanding among the people of the world. We aim to do this in a way that is in keeping with our principles and values. The overarching and long-term vision of Servas International is a more peaceful world and the mission is to contribute to the progress towards this goal. 

Principles: The fundamental principles of Servas International are the belief in the dignity and worth of the human person, the equal rights of all human beings as well as the conviction that respect and care of the environment lay a foundation for a more peaceful world. 

Ethos and Values: We believe that our lives are enriched when we meet, interact, share, and learn from each other. Our key values are caring for people and the planet. 

The reason for this Ethical Code is to ensure that Servas Members understand and agree with the Vision, Mission, Values and Purpose of Servas, in accordance with the Servas International Statutes (2022) 

Accordingly, Servas International now requires all members to agree with the code to continue their membership.  

New members who applied after September 2023 have already accepted the new code as part of their application process. For everyone else, we encourage you to log in to the US Servas website and update your "Profile" to specifically agree with the new code. While you are at it, please make sure that you also check off the new US Servas Terms and Conditions, and Waiver of Liability(see related article HERE). If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us 

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