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Systems Update

New Procedures, Software, Terminology, and Other Inside Information

Blogs & Short Updates

From time to time procedures change, software is updated, we use new terminology for things... this is the place to find out what is coming, changes happening, etc.

Featured Articles

Unique volunteering articles submitted by Servas members that are particularly well-written and/or might be of special interest to members. Tell us about it. Submit your stories here.

  • September 28, 2024 3:37 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    graphic of travel books with laudatory blurbsby Tys Sniffen & Bill Magargal

    Yes, we know... marketing a peace and travel group, really? Well, the truth is that in today's world the answer is “yes,” but this doesn't mean crass commercialism or flashing icons on our website. Rather, it means messaging... getting the mission and ethos of Servas to the attention window of similarly minded people. Sharing our stories and visions of peace-minded travel and the joy and energy that brings us.

    To make this happen we need your help. We need snippets written by real people (you) to sprinkle throughout our spiffed-up website (in process). These should be like book jacket blurbs... short and appealing to potential readers. So, would you please invest 3 minutes to enter two numbers, click one checkbox, and type in a sentence or two. Here is a link to our super-quick survey.

    Note: you must be logged in to the US Servas website and be a Host/Traveler member to take the survey.

  • August 30, 2024 6:50 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)
    • Screen shot of Servas Householdby Bill Magargal

      The most significant change between Servas Online version 1 and 2 is that all members are now associated with at least one "household"... usually their main residence. Frequently other people live in a household, spouses, partners, children, friends, other relatives, etc., each of whom may or may not be a Servas member. Anyone in a household who is a member is automatically "linked" to all other members in that household.

      However, members may have multiple households, i.e., a summer home and winter home, city home and country home, or vacation home, etc. Any or all of these homes may or may not be a hosting location, but in either case, they are a physical location that the system can identify by GPS coordinates.  

      Version 2 does the following: 

    1. Eliminates Doubling of Hosts: Previously in version 1, multiple members in a household appeared as multiple hosts. For example, my wife, Marie Spodek, and I have different last names and were previously each listed as a host. In version 2, our home in Philadelphia is listed with two members, i.e. Marie and me.
    2. Enables Accurate Map Searches for Hosts: When traveling in another country, travelers may not know the names of small towns in a region where they plan to travel. This is further complicated by unfamiliar address formats, districts, postal codes, etc. For example, travelers may know that they want to visit Mont St. Michelle at some point, but they don't know what towns and villages are near there. Version 2 enables the member to zoom in and out on the map view of the general area, in order to locate hosts that are on the way or close to their desired location.
    3. Identifies Housemates: When you search for and find a host, you will also see the names, ages, interests, etc. of other members in the hosting location.
    • How to edit your Household 

    1. Login to Servas.Org. If you have not logged in previously, follow the steps in the July 2024 issue of Open Doors Confirm Your Profile to set your login password. You can reuse whatever password you have used in the past provided that it meets the current security length and strength requirements.screen shot of the Servas Online Dashboard
    2. Upon logging in, the system will open your "Dashboard" page. Click on "Edit Profile" (circled in red in the graphic above). This will display your Profile Confirmation page.Screen shot showing edit profile page
    3. On the left side of the confirmation page, you will see a list of items you can edit. Click on the "Household" option (circled in red above) to open the household window below.Screen shot showing the household window
    4. Click on the red, "Edit Household" button shown in the lower left of the window. This will open the household editing window shown below.screenshot showing the edit household window
    • The household edit window allows you to edit the following fields:
      • Title: The default title is the names of the household members. You can change this to whatever you want, such as Winter Home, Beach House, etc. This is especially useful for those who have more than one hosting location.
      • Picture: You can add one photo to each location. To do so, click the "Choose File" button (circled in red above) to select a photo from your phone or computer.
      • Servas Group: You cannot change your country, but if one of your locations is in a different state, you can change that.
      • About: This field is used to describe your hosting location. It might include a description of the area, sleeping accommodations, directions for getting there, etc.
      • Save: Be sure to click the green Save button to save your changes.
  • July 30, 2024 12:08 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Screen shot of unconfirmed member profileHave you had a chance to look at the new Servas International website? This is a good time to do so and to verify that your basic information is correct after the upgrades. Here is how to do that. First Log in to

    You will need reset your password using the Forgot Password link since the passwords on the old system were encrypted and could not be transferred to the new system. You can set it to your previous password as long as it meets the security requirements. The new system (version 2) will log you into your "Dashboard" that includes summary profiles of you, your "Household", and other members in your household.

    If you have not previously logged in to the new system, you will also see the words Profile Unconfirmed. Once you click on the    Edit Profile    link in the gray band above your profile, your complete profile will open and is available for you to review and update.

    Screen image of member profile including the "Edit Profile" button on menu bar and Double check to ensure that all your information is correct, and that your profile has a photo. If you are a traveler, make sure your emergency contact is up to date and that your Letter of Introduction (LOI) includes something about you that will help hosts Have some idea about what you like, where you've traveled, why you are traveling now, etc. When you have completed this, click the green   I confirm my profile is up to date   button at the top of your profile. That's it!

    Since the information was imported from your previous profile, it could be several years old and perhaps incorrect. It also confirms to hosts and travelers that your information is up to date. And finally, the annual (at renewal) confirmation helps Servas get some idea of how many members are currently active hosts and travelers. Thanks for your efforts to make this happen.

  • June 29, 2024 7:51 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Graphic with rocketship headed to US Servas planet

    On July 3, Servas International will launch version 2 of the ServasOnline host/traveler database.  This long-awaited release makes it a lot easier to connect with member groups around the world. The clean, modern functionality of the new website is supported by a completely new member database designed from the ground up. Besides providing a more logical and appealing display of member information, “Version 2” eliminates some of the problems inherent in version 1, enabling features such as:

    • Multiple members in the same household are now shown together
    • Embedded GPS coordinates make it much easier to find hosts/members by region
    • Members can tailor LOIs for a specific trip and include other household members on it.

    How to Log In: The website address has not changed... simply go to, then click on “Log In” in the upper right of your screen (on your phone it’s just the “person” icon). You must reset (not change) your password: Sorry, we could not transfer the security-encrypted passwords to the new system. Just click the “Password forgotten?” link to do this. You will then receive an email containing a link to set your password. Make sure the email did not end up in your spam folder. You can probably use the same password from Version 1.

    screen image of member's ServasOnline dashboard

    You’re in a Household now: A big change in Version 2 is that Servas members are now grouped into Households. When you log in you will end up on your "household" page, even if you are the only person in that household. A Household is defined as one or more Servas members living together in the same location. Each member still needs to have their own membership, but they are grouped together. You may have other households (locations) as well, such as a summer home or country cabin, etc.

    Host or Traveler, it’s up to you: Members of Servas United States can become travelers at any time by requesting an eStamp from within their profiles. Likewise, you can start or stop offering Hosting and Day Hosting whenever you want by just editing their profiles. You must still be an active, paid-up member to receive a current eStamp.

    screen image of member's Household page on the new Servas International websiteYou search for Hosts on a map: Our Host Search function uses the Google Maps interface and will display hosts on either side of an international boundary.

    Help is just a click away: Each page in ServasOnline has a blue Help? icon which will give you detailed explanations of what to do. Other questions can be directed to the Servas US Member Help team via the Contact Us link at the bottom of each page.

    A Volunteer Project!: Version 2 is the result of thousands of hours and more than three calendar years of work by Servas volunteers from around the world, and the patient competence of our contract programmer Eliza Lacoblev from France. Leading the team was the indefatigable Jim Leask of Servas Canada, along with Paul Neilsen (Australia), Joseph Lestang (France), Judy Bartel (Canada), Steve Gaarder and David Hills (US), and many others. Thanks to all!

  • March 28, 2024 12:05 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Graphic SI Online Hub linking countriesby Bill Magargal

    The International Servas Technology team led by Servas Canada member, Jim Leask, has been working since early 2021 to completely overhaul the Servas Online website. The goal of the version 2 project (SI-v2) is to make the system easier to use, more flexible, phone friendlier, and to overcome some of the clumsiness inherent in the current, version 1 system. The version-2 team expects to release the new system within the next four to six weeks. 

    Many volunteers worldwide have been beta testing the system for more than six months using "real" data. Those of us who have been involved in testing can state that Jim and his team have exceeded even their own expectations. The system is much more intuitive, cleaner looking, easier to navigate, requires fewer clicks to get where you want to go. Not only that, but the basic design of the system makes more sense, i.e. it is based on locations (households) with people rather than people with houses.  

    If the above sounds like semantics, let me explain. In the current system my wife, Marie Spodek, and I show up as two hosts, even though we live in the same household. In version 2 we appear as one household with two members in one hosting location. This design easily accommodates members with multiple hosting sites like a cabin or Winter vs. Summer locations. Another great feature of the system is that it now uses Google Maps to identify hosting locations. Here are a few additional features that should make using the site an improved experience. 

    • Members can edit their profiles to offer or remove Hosting and/ or Day Hosting without intervention by Servas Administrators. 

    • Every member’s profile can be edited by the other Members of the household. 

    • Members can specify if they want different Overnight  or  Day Hosting  parameters for each of their hosting locations. 

    • An LOI can now include multiple members of a household, and can be edited at any time, even while traveling. We recommend customizing your LOI for each region you visit. 

    There are too many other system changes to list in this article, but they all lead to a much better Servas International Online system. Kudos to Jim Leask, his team, and the manyServas tech teams working on this project. 

    Click on image below for larger view

    Screen-shot of new Servas Online Member page in version 2

  • February 21, 2024 2:23 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    photo of man holding sign that reads "Got Ethics?"By Shyla Esko Bare 

    In 2023, Servas International formally adopted a new Code of Ethics as a requirement for all Servas members world-wide. For the most part, the Code of Ethics contains wording that we've all come to associate with Servas values. However, one new and significant component is our commitment to protecting the environment (see below) "... caring for people and the planet." 

    Vision and Mission: The aim of Servas networking is to create conditions for exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge that promotes tolerance and understanding among the people of the world. We aim to do this in a way that is in keeping with our principles and values. The overarching and long-term vision of Servas International is a more peaceful world and the mission is to contribute to the progress towards this goal. 

    Principles: The fundamental principles of Servas International are the belief in the dignity and worth of the human person, the equal rights of all human beings as well as the conviction that respect and care of the environment lay a foundation for a more peaceful world. 

    Ethos and Values: We believe that our lives are enriched when we meet, interact, share, and learn from each other. Our key values are caring for people and the planet. 

    The reason for this Ethical Code is to ensure that Servas Members understand and agree with the Vision, Mission, Values and Purpose of Servas, in accordance with the Servas International Statutes (2022) 

    Accordingly, Servas International now requires all members to agree with the code to continue their membership.  

    New members who applied after September 2023 have already accepted the new code as part of their application process. For everyone else, we encourage you to log in to the US Servas website and update your "Profile" to specifically agree with the new code. While you are at it, please make sure that you also check off the new US Servas Terms and Conditions, and Waiver of Liability(see related article HERE). If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us 

  • January 17, 2024 2:53 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    by Bill Magargal

    The tech team has begun the design phase for a refresh and update of the US Servas website (see OD article). The several goals for this three-month project include the overall appearance, ease-of-use, consistency, and overall website message and feel. We want our website to differentiate us from other travel groups, our commitment to peace, etc. We can really use your ideas and help with this project, so please consider the areas below where you can add your two cents. 

    Marketing/Message - We want our website to convey the essence of what makes us different and defines who we are. Yes, we are a travel and hosting group, but then so is Couch Surfing. We are also a peace group, but so are many others. We want to appeal to younger people, but the fact is that most of our membership are retirees (logically so). Our site should include key phrases like "Slow Travel", "Off the tourist trail", "magic moments", "meeting people of like ethos", etc. Do you have ideas, or key phrases that might enrich our website? 

    Overall Appearance - Many of us feel the current website is a bit stale. It also suffers from the initial learning curve involved with Wild Apricot, and implementation by multiple cooks with varied ideas, thus it feels a bit patched together. We've been using a color scheme of the green and orange used in the Servas logo, but ido we still want to? We need better photos to align with the theme and message we develop  

    Functionality - This involves everything from menu design (verbiage, order, levels, clarity), mix of photos, graphics, text; having multiple ways to navigate the site, and consistency. We also need to improve functionality on cellphones, and make the site better for visually impaired people, i.e., fonts, colors, sizes, use of alternate text with photos.  

    If you have any thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc. about this project please go to Volunteering and signup. If you would like to become part of the team working on the project, see the Help Wanted article in this issue.  Please do so by February 15th. Here are some things you can send us to help: 

    • Key Phrases - short phrases that capture what Servas means to you. 

    • Magic Moments - Bullet point type phrases or sentences that share some of the special moments you've experienced with Servas. 

    • Photos- We want some fresh, emotive, well-taken photos for use on the websitePlease send us a great photo you have taken that conveys what Servas is about. 

    • Problem Areas - Are there things about the website that don't make sense to you, or are difficult to use? Please let us know what they are. 

    • Appearance- Do you have thoughts about the website appearance, color schemes, general look and feel? Please give us your thoughts. 

    • General Ideas - Are there things missing from the site that you feel should be included? What other things should we be thinking about for this project? 

    Please email your ideas, photos, comments, etc. to:

  • November 20, 2023 2:59 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Photo of computer keyboard with the enter key labeled "Volunteering"by Julie Emory 

    We are looking for a Handful of volunteers to help with projects in the new year. These projects are part of the Tech Support team’s work. You don’t have to be a “techie” to make a difference. 

    Projects: Refresh membership website, analyze and archive correspondence data, document various team processes.  

    Any level of tech skills will do. We’re looking for detail-oriented, organized, logical thinkers, with the ability to take direction and complete short assignments. It would be helpful if you are comfortable with standard office software (email, documents, spreadsheets) as a user OR an administrator. If you have experience with web design or programming, that’s even better, but it is't required!  

    Time commitment: one or two hours a week, but not necessarily every week.   

    Member level: must be Host/Traveler  

    Questions? Interested? Click Volunteering to learn more about this or any other teams that could use some helping hands.    

  • October 25, 2023 1:38 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Photo of people applauding a new memberby Julie Emory 

    The levels are Friend of US Servas and Host/Traveler. New applicants join at the Friend level and have the option to remain at that level. If they wish to apply to be a Host/Traveler, they will login to the US Servas website, go to Members menu, click Become a Host/Traveler, and follow screen instructions. You can see the pros and cons of each type on our Membership Levels webpage.

    Were you a US Servas member as of October 15, 2023? Here’s how this change affected you:  

    If you were in an active status (you had completed an interview and had been notified you had a profile on Servas International), your US Servas profile has been changed to Host/Traveler. NO ACTION is required.  

    If you were in a pending status (your Letters of Reference had not been submitted, you had not completed an interview, or had not been notified you had a profile on Servas International), in most cases your US Servas profile has been changed to Friend of US Servas. To remain at the Friend level, no action is required. To apply to be a Host/Traveler, login to and go to Members menu, click Become a Host/Traveler, and follow screen instructions.  

    You can view your US Servas profile at any time: Login at, at top right click Profile then View Profile. To update your Contact Information or Group Participation, click the blue Edit Profile button, make desired changes, then click Save at top or bottom of page.    

    Forgot your password? Start the login process, click Forgot Password and follow instructions to reset it.   

    Questions? Use the Contact Us form at bottom of any page (no login required).  

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