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Confirm Your Host/Traveler Profile

November 26, 2024 1:43 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

screenshot of servas member dashboardHave you had a chance to look at the new Servas International website? Why not do so and verify that your basic information is correct after the upgrades. Here is how to do this. Log in to If you have not already logged in, you will need to reset your password using the Forgot Password link since the passwords on the old system were encrypted and could not be transferred to the new system. You can set it to your previous password provided it meets the security requirements. 

  1. The new system will take you to your "Dashboard" page which includes summary profiles of you, your "Household" (which includes other members in your household.
  2. If you have not previously logged into the new system, you will also see the words Profile Unconfirmed. Once you click on the    Edit Profile    link in the gray band above your profile, your complete profile will open and be available for you to review and update.
  3. Double check to ensure that all your information is correct, and that your profile has a photo. If you are a traveler, make sure your emergency contact is up to date and that your Letter of Introduction (LOI) includes something about you that will help potential hosts have some idea about what you like, where you've traveled, why you are traveling now, etc. 
  4. When you have completed this, click the green   I confirm my profile is up to date   button at the top of your profile. That's it!
          Since the information was imported from your previous profile, it could be several years old and perhaps incorrect. It also confirms to hosts and travelers that your information is up to date. And finally, the annual (at renewal) confirmation helps Servas get some idea of how many members are currently active hosts and travelers. Thanks for your efforts to make this happen.

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