P e a c e a n d U n d e r s t a n d i n g T h r o u g h T r a v e l & H o s t i n g
by Bill Magargal
We have all gotten so wrapped up in our fast pace of living that we forget to take time to live it in the moment. The new year is traditionally a time to do that, i.e. reflect on the past year and do a refocus. Here are a few ideas you might consider to become a better Servasian.
Become a Host / Traveler - Friends of US Servas can move on to become H/T members at no additional cost. What better way to start planning for travel or hosting in the new year?! Remember, members of the same household can use one H/T application and joint letters of reference. Interviews are simply a great conversation with an experienced H/T member.
Spiff Up Your Profile - One easy resolution is to make sure that your International H/T profile is complete and up to date. Many hosts say they want more travelers, yet their profile has no photo, nor descriptive write-up about their interests, travels, or accommodations. Likewise, many traveler profiles are in similar condition, and yet they wonder why no hosts respond to their requests.
Is Your Home In the Middle of a Lake? - Probably not! However, the old SI system (v-1) had a bug that would not recognize certain addresses and would set it's GPS position to a random location in the middle of nowhere. Here is how you can check and correct (if necessary) the map location of your hosting location. Log in to your Servas International account at servas.org then follow the steps below (refer to graphic below).
Click on "Edit Profile" at the top left of the screen Click on "Address & Hosting" Click on "Edit Address & Hosting" - Make sure your street address, or at least your city and state, are set correctly. Click on "Pull from Address" (this is odd verbiage, but it loads the correct GPS position into your hosting location) Click "Save" to save the changes (Button is at the very bottom left of the screen ... you may need to scroll down to see it)
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