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Volunteer Spotlight - Phyllis & Daryl Chinn

February 24, 2024 12:04 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

photo of Phyllis and Saryl Chinnby Eileen M. Rowley

Meet Daryl and Phyllis Chinn, two of the behind-the-scenes volunteers whose contributions make US Servas so awesome!

Phyllis and Daryl joined Servas in 1995 and soon thereafter became interviewers.  When the US Servas office lost their lease for the NYC office due to subway reconstruction, Phyllis suggested to the Board that the office be moved to Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA.  Daryl personally loaded the office files onto a truck and drove them from New York City to Arcata. For 15 years he then oversaw the Arcata office finances.  

Both Daryl and Phyllis previously served eight years on the US Board of Directors.  Daryl now serves on the Finance Committee, is Chair of the Complaint Resolutions Committee, and has been Chair of the Key Persons Committee for the past six years. These are low visibility, but very important functions. Phyllis has served numerous positions, among them as a key advisor to several of our national conferences, including the last three. Also, for the past twenty years she has sent personal handwritten thank-you notes to members for their donations to US Servas.

Phyllis and Daryl have attended Servas International conferences in Argentina, Poland, New Zealand and South Korea and Phyllis has been a voting member for one, as well as serving on the planning committee for US Servas national conferences in New York, North Carolina, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Oregon.  They have also attended at least ten national conferences.

Phyllis is impressed and pleased with how people have stepped up over the last few years to make US Servas an all-volunteer organization!

Thank you, Phyllis and Daryl Chinn!

Editor's note: I first met Daryl at the 2021 national conference in N. Carolina. He introduced himself and said, "Hello, my last name is Daryl Chinn ...with two 'N's." The mnemonic worked and I immediately remembered his last name, especially since he and Phyllis are often together... you know, the double Chinns.


  • February 27, 2024 3:09 PM | Anonymous member
    I would love to learn more about the San Francisco conference history!
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    • February 28, 2024 10:28 PM | Anonymous member
      Please let me know what you would like to know about the San Francisco Conference. I only attended as an invitee and didn't lead any workshop. You can reach me through my contact information available at (the Servas International website, not the US Servas site.

      Daryl Chinn, Arcata, CA
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  • February 29, 2024 5:21 PM | Anonymous member
    I stayed with Phyllis & Daryl 15 years ago. They took me to their tango lessons and a local theater group. I played music with Daryl & juggled with Phyllis. Now I have a snowbird neighbor here in Tucson who is best friends with them. Small World ! I've met & hosted so many everyday-remarkable people met through Servas - Thanks for all the Volunteer help.
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    • March 01, 2024 11:47 AM | Anonymous member
      Say hello to Carol from us.
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    • March 01, 2024 11:52 AM | Anonymous member
      ...and whoever else we know in Tucson, even relatives and family friendsI haven't seen in years and years.
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