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Welcome New Volunteers!

June 29, 2024 12:46 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Wood-block graphic saying "Welcome New Volunteers"by Eileen Rowley

US Servas has been an all-volunteer organization since 2021. We no longer have an office nor staff. We are thriving thanks to the help of volunteers like the new team members below. The more volunteers we have the less time each needs to devote to Servas work, and the smoother things run. Consider volunteering (see below).

photo of Lisa AikenLisa Aiken:  Lisa resides in Belchertown, MA, with her husband, Tom.  She is now the Co-Volunteer Coordinator.  She enjoys helping others and walks through the world leaving a small footprint.  She and Tom have converted their van and enjoy having travel adventures. 

photo of Eric RomanEric Roman: Eric hails from Puerto Rico and has joined the Tech Team.  For his day job, he migrates web pages for a business.  Eric has ambitious travel plans.  He enjoys helping others.

photo of Rick WolfeRick Wolfe: Rick has joined Operational Finance.  He has been a Servas member for decades, and hails from California.  In the past, Rick has worked with Servas International, performing audits.

Photo of Steve EdwardsStephen Edwards: Steve lives in Wasilla, Alaska and has joined the Investment Team.  His dad was a life-long Servas member and bequeathed a generous amount to US Servas. 

photo of Elaine EllsworthElaine Ellsworth: Elaine lives near Charleston, SC.  She is helping coordinate visits for our SYLE program (youth from 18-30 years old) wanting to improve their language skills by having four, one week stays with various members.  To learn more contact

You, too, can join our volunteer community!  To learn more, simply contact


  • July 02, 2024 6:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Welcome to all our new volunteers! You are truly the life blood of our organization. Thank you for stepping forward!
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