P e a c e a n d U n d e r s t a n d i n g |
2024 Elections - US Servas Board of Directors |
Meet the CandidatesBelow are key credentials for each candidate running for the US Servas board. Candidates are listed in alphabetic order. Use the information to help you decide your vote. Click the button below each summary to view the candidate's complete resumé, skills, and ideas they might have. Email elections@usservas.org with any questions or concerns. Note: * denotes current interim board member. Watch the YouTube Recording of the Forum | Voting InstructionsWe have five candidates running for the US Servas board, and there are are five slots open... three three-year terms, and two two-year terms. We are using a Consensus-style voting system to differentiate among the nominees. Rate each person one to five stars, where 1 = unfavorable, 3 = no opinion, and 5 = highly favorable. The candidates receiving the lowest tally will receive the two-year seats. |