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  • October 25, 2023 1:38 PM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

    Photo of people applauding a new memberby Julie Emory 

    The levels are Friend of US Servas and Host/Traveler. New applicants join at the Friend level and have the option to remain at that level. If they wish to apply to be a Host/Traveler, they will login to the US Servas website, go to Members menu, click Become a Host/Traveler, and follow screen instructions. You can see the pros and cons of each type on our Membership Levels webpage.

    Were you a US Servas member as of October 15, 2023? Here’s how this change affected you:  

    If you were in an active status (you had completed an interview and had been notified you had a profile on Servas International), your US Servas profile has been changed to Host/Traveler. NO ACTION is required.  

    If you were in a pending status (your Letters of Reference had not been submitted, you had not completed an interview, or had not been notified you had a profile on Servas International), in most cases your US Servas profile has been changed to Friend of US Servas. To remain at the Friend level, no action is required. To apply to be a Host/Traveler, login to and go to Members menu, click Become a Host/Traveler, and follow screen instructions.  

    You can view your US Servas profile at any time: Login at, at top right click Profile then View Profile. To update your Contact Information or Group Participation, click the blue Edit Profile button, make desired changes, then click Save at top or bottom of page.    

    Forgot your password? Start the login process, click Forgot Password and follow instructions to reset it.   

    Questions? Use the Contact Us form at bottom of any page (no login required).  

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