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P e a c e   a n d   U n d e r s t a n d i n g
T h r o u g h   T r a v e l  &   H o s t i n g

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Welcome to Our New Website

US Servas is happy to announce the implementation of some major changes to our organization:

  • A new all-inclusive annual membership of $33
  • As a member, you can be a Traveler, a Host, a Day Host, or any combination thereof (or none and simply be a supporter)
  • All host and traveler data is stored and accessed exclusively at the Servas International website

Are you:

Thinking about joining Servas for the first time?

Poke around the site, learn about us, and follow the link to “Join Us”.

A current member, or your membership expired in January 2020 or later?

Your account is still here!

To Log In:  Click on the Member Login button    (    on your phone)  in the upper right-hand corner, and Log in using the same email that you did on the old site. Unfortunately, we couldn’t transfer your password, so the first time you visit you will have to click on the “Forgot Password” link to re-set it. Sorry about that.

To Renew:  Once logged in - click again on the Member Login button.  If there is no "Renew" button showing, click on View Profile, and scroll down to the blue Renew button.

Note your Host and Traveler data is now stored at - the Servas International website. Go to our  help page to learn more (must be logged in).

A former member, whose membership expired before January 2020?

Welcome back! Your membership records, including records of your interviews, are stored offline and can be retrieved. Follow the Join Us link to register as a new member. Mention in your application that you are a former member and you will probably not need to be interviewed.

A former member, whose membership expired before 2008?

Welcome back! We probably don’t have your membership records, but we’d love to talk to you. Follow the Join Us link to register as a new member.

Confused?  Contact Us.

1887 Whitney Mesa Dr., #1250,

Henderson, NV 89014

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